Category: Electric Vehicles
PMSM Motor Internals Video
As part of a larger explainer video I wanted to show how a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Works. I wanted to show how the stator and rotor interacted with their respective magnetic fields and currents. The video shows how a simplified motor is constructed with a Stator and Rotor and then breaks those down to…
Finally a good Press-Stud Tool
This one’s as much a note for me so I know what I did to make this finally work. I’ve been looking for a decent way of fitting press-studs for things like boot covers. I’d tried the standard manual tap-and-hope tools that are supplied with the car and with SoftBitsForSevens kits. But that always seemed…
Putting the EV in sEVen – Youtube Project Kick-off
While I’ve been writing articles for the Caterham and Lost Seven Club’s Lowflying magazine, and doing a few Instagram and Facebook posts, I’ve not got around to creating the kick-off video for the Electric Seven Conversion project for Youtube, until now. I’m not really expecting this video to set the world alight, but it’s necessary…
Lowflying December 2022 – Putting the EV in sEVen – Conversion Trade-offs
Another article in Lowflying for December 2022. This is part 2 of a multi-part series and is a cut down version of this post:
sEVen Tradoffs and Compromises
A cut down version of this post appeared in the December 2022 edition of Lowflying. This full version is a little more wordy but contains more detail, images and with hyperlinks. Putting the EV in sEVen – Part 2 : Conversion Tradeoffs With my sEVen conversion car now purchased, I’m well and truly getting my feet…
It’s not Merchandise
Well I had to, didn’t I? It seemed such a great tag line “Putting the EV in sEVen” that I just had to get some T-shirts printed… and hoodies, polos and fleeces! 🤣 I used a local printing company called Carrillion here in Bristol. They were crazy busy but did manage to get me my stuff…
sEVen Conversion – The Victim
Well it’s about time for an update. The victim has been purchased. After searching on and off for a couple of years, not particularly rigorously it must be said, I started looking seriously at the end of the summer (2022) for a “host” car to be the basis for my EV conversion. I’m calling this…
Putting the EV in sEVen – Index
In this project we’re converting a Caterham Seven Supersport SV from being powered by an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE), into one powered by an electric motor and batteries (BEV – Battery Electric Vehicle) This page is an index of articles relating to Putting the EV in sEVen. Putting the EV in sEVen – Introduction The…