Category: Electric Vehicles

  • Day 3 – Memorials Around Ypres pt1

    Day 3 – Memorials Around Ypres pt1

    It’s been a poignant day today. We’ve spent the day cycling around the memorial graveyards to the east of Ypres. The campsite we’re staying at is a two minute cycle ride from the Hooge Crater Museum and Memorial. The Hooge Crater was created early WWI when the allies dug a 60m tunnel under the German…

  • Day 2 – Northants to Ypres

    Day 2 – Northants to Ypres

    Today has been a travel day. We set off from Northamptonshire at about 10, Chunnel at 15:30 and set up camp by 18:30. A pretty uneventful day, drizzling until we got past the bottom of the M11 but beautiful now here in Belgium as we sit with a beverage. Thurrock services were the hole that…

  • Day 1 – Still in the UK

    Day 1 – Still in the UK

    Ok, so this is a bit of a cheat. We’re still in the UK. We’re taking the opportunity to swing by my (John’s) parent in Northamptonshire for a night, before we head off properly on the trip. But we have started and we are fully packed, except for the stuff we’ve forgotten, obviously! 😀 We…

  • Summer 2024 Drive to Greece – Overview

    Summer 2024 Drive to Greece – Overview

    So… we’re driving to Greece… as you do! We have a villa booked in Corfu for 10 days in the middle of September, and in some Cliff Richard-esque Summer Holiday vibe, we decided to reduce our carbon footprint and drive instead of flying. Unlike Cliff though, we had planned to do the trip from the…

  • PTEVIS – Progress #1 youTube Video

    PTEVIS – Progress #1 youTube Video

    Well this video wasn’t quite the mammoth effort that the last two “explainer” videos were, but it still took over 50 hours to make. The video covers the purchase and road registration of the project car from 2022 through to the spring of 2023. I cover the options for getting the car road registered and…

  • Putting the EV in sEVen – Lowflying part 5 : Spring ’24 Progress

    Putting the EV in sEVen – Lowflying part 5 : Spring ’24 Progress

    So, it was about time I did an update for the Caterham and Lotus Seven Club magazine, Low Flying. This article is the Spring 2024 progress update and covers: Scanning the Car Component Configuration CANbus Configuration Suspension Logger

  • PTEVIS Suspension Logger Mini-Project

    PTEVIS Suspension Logger Mini-Project

     As part of my Putting The EV in Seven project, I decided I needed a big detour into suspension travel on a Seven. That sounds like a good route to getting my project finished quickly, right? Well, it goes a bit like this. In a non-linear-timey-wimey sort of way of looking at the PTEVIS project,…



    This is the second of two explainer videos I’ve created to help YouTube viewers understand the concepts, terminology and physics of what’s going on in my Caterham Seven EV conversion. I’ve made these two videos so I can refer back to them in my progress videos and so I don’t need to explain each concept…

  • The Electric in Electric Vehicles – YOUTUBE PTEVIS 2.1

    The Electric in Electric Vehicles – YOUTUBE PTEVIS 2.1

    This is the first of two explainer videos I’ve created to help YouTube viewers understand the concepts, terminology and physics of what’s going on in my Caterham Seven EV conversion. I’ve made the videos so I don’t need to keep explaining each concept every time I mention it in a subsequent video and I’ll be…

  • 3D Scanning My EV Conversion Project Car

    3D Scanning My EV Conversion Project Car

    Excuses, Excuses Ok… so… I’ve been distracted. Since starting this EV conversion project I’ve got a bit distracted by a couple of other projects. The first was the Caterham and Lotus Seven Club, in general and specifically the move to the new website. But I also found I was getting involved in way more other…