Category: Caterham & Lotus 7 Club
Some People Must Be Watching – Site Stats 60k Views
As we approach 3 years since out kit arrived I thought it would be interesting to share some stats on this website. I created the site for two reasons. Firstly, it was to give something back. I’d looked at many build blogs and learnt so much from them. And I wanted to be able to…
Softbits for Sevens Boot Cover & G-clamp Hack
Note from Future John: The following post is a better way of doing this… Well, one thing led to another! So… for a while now, like many, I’d ditched the Caterham full-hood and have been using the Softbits for Sevens Half Hood ( The half-hood is great, perhaps not as water tight when it’s tipping…
Driving Clifton Suspension Bridge – YouTube Video
This is a quicky… The weather was good and we were coming out of lockdown, so decided to get the car out for its first small run of the year. The Video I took a much longer run to get fuel and out from Bristol to Leigh Woods, Failand and then back into Bristol over…
ECU Diagnostics – part 14 : Software Framework
This is hopefully a reasonably short post about the software framework I’ve developed to help read sensor data from the MBE 9A4 ECU. The software is written in Python 3 and is available here: Caterham-OBD. However, I’m going to talk about using one file only which is The idea behind is to “abstract”…
ECU Diagnostics – part 13.3 : MBE-ISOTP
SUMMARY We now understand the communications protocol used by Easimap (the Windows software supplied by the ECU manufacturer) and can use it to ask the ECU for whatever data the car has to offer. We can then manipulate the responses we get back from the car and format them to make sense to us. TL;DR…
ECU Diagnostics – part 13.2 : OBD-II
The OBD-II diagnostic protocol is well defined and information about it can be found in On-board Diagnostics. It’s a mish-mash of many diffrerent standards, both physical and electrical, that I’ll refer to as OBD-II. There’s also a complete breakdown of the Services and PIDs (see below) that can be found in On-board Diagnostic PIDs. I’ll talk…
ECU Diagnostics – part 13.1 : MBE-Broadcast
The simplest of the three Caterham OBD port diagnostic protocols we know about is what I’ve called MBE-Broadcast. As soon as the car is put into ignition switch position 2, the ECU starts to spit out a this stream of data on the CAN bus. Unlike the OBD-II protocol and the MBE-ISOTP protocol, this a…
ECU Diagnostics – part 13 : Three Diagnostic Protocols in the MBE 9A4 ECU
This one’s just a short post to introduce the next three posts. In our investigations of the MBE 9A4 ECU we’ve found three different diagnostics protocols supported on the OBD port. The following three posts will summarise what we’ve learnt about each protocol and will be updated with new information as it becomes available. 13.1…