Category: Caterham Blog

  • ECU Diagnostics – part 5 : The Correlator Dead-end

    ECU Diagnostics – part 5 : The Correlator Dead-end

    Post Views: 1,059 Hopefully this is a quick post… The story so far is that: We’ve got a test bench made of a Raspberry Pi, CAN bus decoder board and an OBD Y-cable The Raspberry Pi can “sniff” all the packets sent between the car’s ECU and something that can talk to the car, like…

  • ECU Diagnostics – part 4 : Wireshark Patching and OBD-II Results

    ECU Diagnostics – part 4 : Wireshark Patching and OBD-II Results

    Post Views: 1,418 When Wireshark first appeared, it was called Ethereal… and its motto was: “Sniffing the glue that holds the internet together” Wireshark sniffs the packet-glue that holds the internet together and is one of the most influential pieces of open source software there is.  That’s a pretty bold statement and I even count…

  • ECU Diagnostics – part 3 : Test Setup

    Post Views: 1,506 Ok, so we have an OBD port/connector on our cars that connects directly to the ECU. How are we going to figure out how to talk the right communications protocols to the car to get at its internal data? We need a test rig to do some experiments with. If you’re looking…

  • ECU Diagnostics – part 2 : ECU, OBD and CAN

    Post Views: 2,492 ECU Caterhams, like all modern cars, have an Engine Control Unit (ECU) – a black box full of electronics, controlled by a microprocessor that manages how the engine runs.  And because it has a microprocessor it means it runs some software to control everything. It also connects to a bunch of sensors,…

  • ECU Diagnostics – part 1 : Introduction

    Post Views: 1,813 So here we go for a marathon series of posts. I’ll update this page with links to the completed posts as they come along… Introduction ECUs, OBD and CAN Test Setup Wireshark Patching and OBD-II Results The Correlator Dead-End Reading Material ECU Maps and Mapping Easimap uses ISOTP (sort of) The Easimap…