Category: Caterham Blog

  • Post Build Check

    Post Build Check

    Post Views: 1,723 Uh oh – its crunch time! Somebody else that knows way more than I do, is going to take a look at my handiwork and tell me how much my ignorance is going to cost me. The Post Build Check is taking place today, Wednesday after I’d finished my Big Push last…

  • Build Session 37 : IVA Preparation and Tidy-ups

    Build Session 37 : IVA Preparation and Tidy-ups

    Post Views: 1,652 It’s the final shove in the The Big Push – Day 5! We’re pretty much finished now. Everything is installed, attached or bolted down. With the exception of some wiring for the front repeaters it’s all about tidying things up and getting all the finishing touches done for the IVA test. So…

  • Build Session 36 : Repeaters, IVA, Mirrors, Wipers, Rear Hubs, Wings

    Build Session 36 : Repeaters, IVA, Mirrors, Wipers, Rear Hubs, Wings

    Post Views: 1,892 Day 4 of The Big Push – Phew! This is getting tiring! I’m glad I decided I needed to take some time off to get this knocked out. While I’m not getting as much time on the car as I hoped, I am making progress. All that’s going to change today… no distractions,…

  • Build Session 35 : Front Wings, Handbrake Cable and Tidying Up

    Build Session 35 : Front Wings, Handbrake Cable and Tidying Up

    Post Views: 1,529 Day 3 of The Big Push – a Friday! I was hoping to get a lot done today but instead of a Big Push it turned into more of a Gentle Shove. Still… progress was made. Today I wanted to get going on the spacing theory I’d formulated for the Front Wings…

  • Build Session 34 : Brake and Clutch Fillup/Bleed, Bonnet Collection and more Front Wings

    Build Session 34 : Brake and Clutch Fillup/Bleed, Bonnet Collection and more Front Wings

    Post Views: 1,936 Day 2 of The Big Push!… and I’m also getting close to pushing the button on putting a date in the diary for the PBC (Post Build Check) back at Williams and then of course the government IVA (Individual Vehicle Test) test too. If I’m really, really lucky it will have passed…