A Caterham Seven Blog

  • ECU Diagnostics – part 2 : ECU, OBD and CAN

    Post Views: 2,659 ECU Caterhams, like all modern cars, have an Engine Control Unit (ECU) – a black box full of electronics, controlled by a microprocessor that manages how the engine runs.  And because it has a microprocessor it means it runs some software to control everything. It also connects to a bunch of sensors,…

  • ECU Diagnostics – part 1 : Introduction

    Post Views: 1,897 So here we go for a marathon series of posts. I’ll update this page with links to the completed posts as they come along… Introduction ECUs, OBD and CAN Test Setup Wireshark Patching and OBD-II Results The Correlator Dead-End Reading Material ECU Maps and Mapping Easimap uses ISOTP (sort of) The Easimap…

  • Visit to Millwood for Flat-floor and Stalling Problem ECU Reset

    Visit to Millwood for Flat-floor and Stalling Problem ECU Reset

    Post Views: 1,509 So, after over 2000 miles in the car, it was time to address one of its biggest niggles… low temperature stalling. Ever since I’d built the car it would stall at low engine temperatures. It would stall as I sat on the drive putting my harness on, it would stall at junctions…

  • Caterham 420R Build Tools and Trinkets

    Caterham 420R Build Tools and Trinkets

    Post Views: 2,154 Note from Future John (Sept 2020): It seems Amazon has changed a lot of the links in the section below and the links don’t take you to where they should. At some point I’ll try and relink them all. I thought I owned them all until I built a Caterham. Sorry to…

  • The Wiper Motor Fuse… and Test Rig Overkill with a Logic Analyzer

    The Wiper Motor Fuse… and Test Rig Overkill with a Logic Analyzer

    Post Views: 1,986 Drip, drip, drop, click, bugger! … or in other words… rain… followed by another wiper fuse blowing. The Story So Far: For those of you that need a recap, I’d tested the wipers in December, prior to the IVA (Individual Vehicle Approval) test, and they had also been tested by the dealer…

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