Category: ME-CFS

  • Caterham Duratec S3 Engine Mount RHS

    Caterham Duratec S3 Engine Mount RHS

    This model was generated from a scan of the engine mount and modeled in Fusion 360.  NOTE: The engine mount I modeled had about a 1mm bulge in the engine plate which is not accounted for in the model. Link to Model OBJ

  • Caterham Duratec S3 Engine Mount LHS

    Caterham Duratec S3 Engine Mount LHS

    This model was generated from a scan of the engine mount and modeled in Fusion 360.  NOTE: The engine mount I modeled had about a 1mm bulge in the engine plate which is not accounted for in the model. Link to Model OBJ

  • Simple Engine Cooling Explained

    Simple Engine Cooling Explained

     Finally after nearly 5 years of work (on and off) I’ve published my Caterham Duratec Cooling video to YouTube. This video was the result of some pretty off the cuff comments made when I was first building my Caterham kit car. I posted about how the cooling worked on my car (after I’d done a…

  • Differential Trolley Plate

    Differential Trolley Plate

    Here’s a 3D model of the thing I attach to my trolley jack to allow me to lift a Caterham differential into the car by myself. Link to 3D Model OBJ

  • Differential Carrier 3D Model

    Differential Carrier 3D Model

    Here’s a 3D scan of my Caterham “BMW” Differential Carrier. Link to OBJ

  • BMW Differential

    BMW Differential

    Here’s my scan of the Caterham “BMW” differential.  Scanned using a Shining 3D Einstar. Link to OBJ

  • My Engine Animation WorkFlow

    My Engine Animation WorkFlow

    WARNING: this is strictly speaking a non-car related post… it’s more about animating 3D infotainment videos. This post has mainly been written so I can remember what, and why, I did what I did to create my Engine Cooling Animation. It will also be interesting to Blender Heads setting up a mixed OS render farm…

  • Day 65 – Home Again

    Day 65 – Home Again

    And so our mini adventure ends. There’s not much to say about the day itself and I’ll leave the conclusions to further posts where I hope to pull some more considered thoughts together about the trip. However, for today, we did manage to get off from our one night stop reasonably early, by 8:30. And…

  • Day 64 – Avignon to Reims and 15 Seconds of Fame

    Day 64 – Avignon to Reims and 15 Seconds of Fame

    Right, the last full day on tour! Today we’re going to make as much progress up through France as we can, within reason. It had rained over night but the mud outside the van was still pretty resistant under foot – not like the mud bath that was the volcanic mush in Pompei! In the…

  • Day 63 – Avignon

    Day 63 – Avignon

    Nine weeks! So we’d performed a bit of a “left turn Clyde” to get to Avignon and away from the direct route home via Switzerland. We’d visited Avignon last year in August but wilted in the sun and didn’t do any of the sights or town. This detour now, in October, was therefore intended to…