A Caterham Seven Blog
Build Session 35 : Front Wings, Handbrake Cable and Tidying Up
Post Views: 1,547 Day 3 of The Big Push – a Friday! I was hoping to get a lot done today but instead of a Big Push it turned into more of a Gentle Shove. Still… progress was made. Today I wanted to get going on the spacing theory I’d formulated for the Front Wings…
Build Session 34 : Brake and Clutch Fillup/Bleed, Bonnet Collection and more Front Wings
Post Views: 2,021 Day 2 of The Big Push!… and I’m also getting close to pushing the button on putting a date in the diary for the PBC (Post Build Check) back at Williams and then of course the government IVA (Individual Vehicle Test) test too. If I’m really, really lucky it will have passed…
Build Session 33 : Front Wings, Lights, Handbrake, Gearbox, Number Plate Light
Post Views: 1,361 This is the final push… 5 days to work on getting the car finished… surely it won’t take THAT long! It’s Thanks Giving week this week, which means my US work colleagues will be taking at least this Thursday off work and probably a day or two either side of it too.…
Build Session 32 : LHS Indicators, Swap Wing Stays, Repeater Wiring
Post Views: 1,481 Another short day I’m afraid, just an hour today. LHS Indicators After all the “mucking about” yesterday with the LHS indicators not working I thought I’d give them another go this morning. I took the bulbs out from the two indicator pods and was determined I’d go through the whole thing methodically.…
Build Session 31 : Rear Braided Brake Hose, Rear Lights, Front LHS Indicator Not Working
Post Views: 1,049 A big gap in progress this time. I had a business trip to Florida and California along with prep for the trip and recovery/catchup when I got back which pretty much knocked out 3 weeks on the car. There’s still lots to do on the car I think, with lots of tidy-up…
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