A Caterham Seven Blog
Build Session 25 : Main engine start!!!
Post Views: 1,346 It’s not that I’ve been terribly worried about the prospect of starting the engine… but… I certainly didn’t want to have missed something stupid and to then screw up a very expensive lump of aluminium and steel. Today I also had another pair of hands and a tripling of brain power on…
Build Session 24 : Two steps back and two steps forwards – IVA, Front Brakes, Headlamps and a trip to Caterham
Post Views: 1,362 After feeling quite pleased with my progress to date I’d got to the point of thinking about applying for an IVA test. From what I can tell the process goes like this: Fill out forms 1c and 4 Collect photos of build Get a copy of your invoice Submit two forms, photos…
Build Session 23 : Harnesses, Seats and Silencer
Post Views: 1,991 An odds and ends day… but a big one… something to sit on! Having got the passenger compartment carpets installed is seemed only right to have a go at getting more of the finer things in life installed… harnesses and seats… Whoa we can move the seats out from the lounge! Transmission…
Build Session 22 : Scuttle Trim, Knee Trim Panels and Carpets
Post Views: 2,053 Whoa boy… you’re getting ahead of yourself! At the end of the last post I said it was time to start thinking about starting the car. I “could”… but… I’m still unhappy about putting fluids in the car and I clearly hadn’t quadruple checked the quadruple checking I’d been doing!… I need oil…
Build Session 21 : A-Frame, Ears, Hubs, Discs, Callipers, Brake Pipes, Wheels
Post Views: 1,579 Another Sunday and today is a half day on the car. I was hoping to get the rear suspension all fitted and hopefully even get the wheels on! A-Frame Not much to this one. It’s a bit of a faff if you’re on your own though… the A-frame didn’t want to sit…
Got any book recommendations?