A Caterham Seven Blog

  • Day 62 – Travel from Lucca to Avignon

    Day 62 – Travel from Lucca to Avignon

    Post Views: 29 Not much to report today. We set off from the yard at the back of the garage for Avignon after some breakfast and coffee/tea, at about 8:30. The concept of using a back yard to house camper and with a minimal toilet and shower setup was quite appealing. We were right in…

  • Day 61 – Leaving Naples and a bit of Lucca

    Day 61 – Leaving Naples and a bit of Lucca

    Post Views: 33 So, we’re on the way home! We’re heading north now, and going to be taking big chunks out of the 2,500km we have to get there. We had a spectacular thunderstorm roll through the bay of Naples last night, from about 11 until 1 – sheet and fork lightning. The wind got…

  • Day 60 – Naples

    Day 60 – Naples

    Post Views: 38 Not much to report today. We trained it into Naples, wandered around and did the Underground Naples tour. Our start wasn’t too rushed this morning, we were hoping to get the 9:30 train from the Villa Regina train station so we walked the 15 minutes to the station rather than take the…

  • Day 59 – Pompei and Dan Snow

    Day 59 – Pompei and Dan Snow

    Post Views: 37 Day 59 of the “where’s my…” tour. Blimey, where’s all that time gone?! We’re calling it the “where’s my..” tour because we’ll both be exclaiming, multiple times a day, “where’s my” such and such as we panic about glasses, debit cards, passports, van key, etc etc etc. To date though, its just…

  • Day 58 – Villa Julia and Vesuvius

    Day 58 – Villa Julia and Vesuvius

    Post Views: 33 Today we’ve got a short hop from just north of Amalfi to up to Pompei. We also need to do some shopping and possibly even fit another visit in while we’re at it (turned out to be Vesuvius). As we left the site we were just at the wrong time for the…

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