Day 42 – Agios Gordios to Kassiopi






Another travel day, to the final destination. It’s all down hill from here.

Six weeks!

We’re moving from the west coast Corfu apartment in Agios Gordios to a villa in the northern town of Kassiopi, about 40km away.

But first it was breakfast time, after we’d packed the van ready for a get away once we were done.

Walk along the AG sea front

Breakfast was on the Agios Gordios sea front at the same Thalassa restaurant we’d eaten at least night. Three “slim and trims” (boiled egg, Greek yogurt with honey and walnuts) and a Shakshuka.

Slim and trim – Greek yogurt, honey and walnuts

In the centre of the restaurant was an open garden area. And it was only on this third visit to the restaurant that we realized the garden was a tortoise reserve.

About 8 or 10 tortoises in the central atrium of the restaurant

And that was it in Agios Gordios. AG was a very small holiday town. Full of holiday lets, hotels, mini-markets and restaurants. The sunsets were epic and I’m sure a great place for a week of sun, sea and evening meals.

Top two Lidos Paradise apartments

And off to Kassiopi for a week in a villa.

From Agios Gordios to Kassiopi

The roads across the island are narrow and slow. The 40km run took over 90 minutes, twisting and turning, up and down.

View over to Albania from road running up West coast of Corfu

We met the family that owns the villa at the Nikos supermarket on the road into the town. The track up to the villa then took the winding, narrow and steep roads to the next level!

Nikos Mini Market
Final 200m track up to Mylos

The final 200m was about as rough a road as we’d want to take Ollie on. The first km or so from the “main” road wasn’t an awful lot better.

Mylos… This is as far as we go. From this point on we’re retracing our steps, but not for another week.

After a couple of hours settling in, and avoiding the rain, we headed down into town and had a great meal in one for the restaurants, Janis, recommended by the hosts.

Janis Restaurant on the right
Catering for a very British clientele
Great meal and great company at Janis restaurant
Kassiopi Harbour
Kassiopi Main Street

And then back to the villa, Mylos.

Mylos was converted to a villa in 2022, so it’s all pretty new and fresh. There was a 400-500 year old mill on the site that has been renovated and looks great lit up at night.

Mylos Mill

The mill looks pretty but is non-functional.


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