Day 29 – Trogir






A quiet day again today, though we headed into Trogir on the 8am ferry for an early mooch around and some breakfast.

It was a hot night again with temperatures only dipping into the 20’s late in the night. And the idiot behind us decided it would be a good idea to blow his paddle board up with an electric pump at 6:30… 6 feet from our heads!

My nighttime view from the pop-top is actually quite special…

View of Okrug from Pop-top

So both Sue and I were awake early for the first ferry to Trogir, after Sue had been for a 7am dip. Fortunately this time, the skipper turned up and we set off on time, 8am.

It was like having our own private water taxi as we were the only passengers both ways. Slightly alarmingly our v grumpy skipper would rather be on his phone than steering the boat in the right direction.

Waiting for the ferry

We ambled around Trogir and ended up at one of the cafes outside of St Lawrence’s church. We had a couple of coffees each, and (what tasted like) seaweed omelette and some cold drinks. Not impressed by the omelette.

The photography of a wedding seemed to keeping everyone’s attention in the square, with 3 photographers and a videographer.

Very picturesque wedding shots…
But did it really need all these people?

We then had a wander around the streets of Trogir again and around the market, where Sue very nearly, but didn’t, buy some new sandals.

Some fantastic Venetian architecture
Same square (architecture, not person!)
Trogir market

And then back to the campsite by 11 to get out of the heat.

Thought I’d throw in a picture of Benny the Quad Biking Belgian’s quad-bike…

Benny’s Quad-bike

Our pitch sits right next to the local harbour, with a fence running to the water’s edge, trying to keep out non campers. But as we sit here during the day, we see a persistent trickle of traders wading the waters around the fence to avoid the gaze of the camp reception. They wander the site selling clothes (below) or drinks etc.

Traders evading reception

Went out for first reatauratnt meal since Luxembourg this evening. At the campsite restaurant. It was actually really good (Camp Rozac). The “Brit’s on tour” (about a dozen motor homes that know each other) had booked a huge set of tables, seating about 30 of them. Amazing the kitchen seemed to get this food out in a timely manner. They all (the Brit’s no the kitchen) took to the dance floor as a couple of guitarists knocked out some Italian style music.

Camp Rozac Restaurant

And we also bumped into Richard (guy who grew up in Bristol) and Jill that we first met in Plitvice… they were struggling to find somewhere down here and Sue suggested this site. They went somewhere else first but arrived here now.

Since leaving them 4 days ago, Richard has broken a finger and is struggling to drive. It’s funny that they’re staying in the same places we are but not seeming to enjoy them like us. Perhaps their expectations are different or they’re just not going with the flow.

Sitting in the evening by our fence to the harbour, we see all sorts going on. The ferry going every hour, the party boats picking up friends from the camp site and diners heading ashore for a night out. Fascinating watching the world got by!

Starlit evenings watching the world go by

We’re off to Dubrovnik tomorrow for 3 nights. It’s a city centre campsite, so we’re not expecting much. But we needed a site that would get us onto the ferry nice and early on Friday, so this’ll have to do for a few nights.

Harry’s been let of the under age magic (saving Dudley from Dementors) and is just about to have his first DATDA lesson with Delores Umbridge.


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