Day 28 – Bike Ride on Ciovo






End of week 4… 4 weeks away!

Because of the heat, at least that’s how it feels to us, we’ve had a quiet day, just cycling out to a quiet cove for a dip, first thing.

The temps are still in the mid 30’s during the day, so we decided to make an early start and head out on our bikes at 8.

We hadn’t got much of a plan except we’d been told by Benny the Quadbiking Belgian (no idea what his real name is actually) that the further you went west and south on the island (Ciovo) you got further way from the tourist bits and the coastline was a lot more deserted.

Benny has the luxury of zipping around on his quad bike, finding nice spots. We do have electric bikes, but even so we didn’t want to hunt all over the island for a secluded beach to have a dip.

So we trundled off on our bikes and dropped a pin in Apple Maps at a beach that looked out of the way.

Our bike ride destination

It was about 5k away with the fist half was on tarmac’ed and reasonably well kept roads.

Then we hit the gravelly stuff…

The “road” to the beach

It was definitely a low gear ride for the 2+ km off the main road, but quite fun, even though I’d forgotten to pack the puncture repair kit. Electric bikes make all the difference here, just put it in a low gear and crawl up the hill at the speed the bike likes. It was sweaty enough, even then, but at least you’re not knackered by the time you get to where you want to be.

But when we got to our destination. It was a) unclear if we were going to be trespassing and b) we were definitely not alone.

Our “deserted” beach destination

We’re not sure if every cove is stacked with charter and private boats, but this one was. We bailed at the first road down to the shoreline, as that clearly went to someone’s property, but we chose the next road and that seemed to at least be abandoned by modern developments.m, though there was clearly terracing cut into the hillside, like spacing for a campsite.

We locked the bikes up at the top of a very steep hill and went down to the beach on foot.

Steep track to the beach

We ended up at a very secluded beach… just a shame that a hundred other people were moored just off it.

Even with the American accents drifting across the water, we did manage to have a lovely swim in the crystal clear waters.

Not so deserted beach
Looks lovely without the moored boats

Then after a couple of swims, and as the temperatures started to climb, we headed back up to the bikes. It’s always a bonus when your bikes are still there when you get back!

As we cycled back along the gravel track we couldn’t believe the flotilla moored just off the shore. There was a rave going on, the music was pumping and the boats were moored in a circle…

Circular Flotilla Rave

I guess they weren’t disturbing anyone, but it does make you wonder if every seclude cove is crammed with raving tourists 🤷‍♂️

We were back at the campsite by 11 and spent the rest of the day dipping in and out of the sea and reading. We also went for a stroll along the beachfront to the Tommy Market (we’d stopped there on the way back from the morning swim), we’d run out of peanuts and iced-coffee, it’s a hard life!…

Lots of this sort of view along the sea front

The sea was like a mill pond first thing, the got really choppy as the wind grew in the afternoon. It wasn’t quite a hooley by the evening, but we were definitely battening down the hatches.

Tomorrow we’re going to try and take the first 8AM ferry into Trogir for a coffee and some breakfast.

Harry’s now about to start his fifth year, book 5!


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