Day 26 – Travel to Trogir






Not really much to report today.

We’d packed up the van last night, so we were away from the Bear, Plitvice campsite by 8:45, once we’d had some brecky!

It was then just a question of knocking out the 240km to Trogir.

From Camping Bear to Trogir

Once we’d got an hour or so under our belt we called the Camp Rozac site and reserved a pitch. We were hoping we’d get one in the A zone pitches, next to the “beach” but they said that wasn’t possible so we’d be in the C ad-hoc zone.

Side note: it seems that a lot of campsites don’t let you book slots in August, but they will let you book slots for August. I.e. you can’t book a pitch if it’s already August, but you can book a pitch in, say, February, for August.

But that was good news, we hadn’t got any backups organized and it was a relief that we could get into our first choice campsite.

As we got closer to the coast the terrain changed from green wooded hillsides to brown dry hills. It got a lot hotter too, from 24 to 34 C.

As we least the wooded hillsides and got closer to Zabir, the roads also got worse. We came across a road gang putting a new road surface down, though this was a good 30cm of road rebuild rather than a top dressing. But the lines of traffic had to weave in and out of the tarmac lifters, road rollers and what looked like road layers. There were a couple of traffic lights at one point, but in the UK the whole of the thing would have been cordoned off with a massive single laned and lighted system. It worked much better to have drivers figure things out for themselves, but it did look a bit precarious for the road workers.

Threading our way through the road works

The best bit was passing a guy running a road roller a few inches from where we had to drive, only to see him engrossed in his mobile phone!

We arrived about noon and were told there had been a few more checkouts and so we’d have a better choice.

We wanted to stay for 4 nights, so that restricted us a bit. We settled on a pitch right next to the water, though not the “beach”, you’ll see the “beach” later. And we had access to a slip way that we could just walk straight into the sea.

Our Camp Rozac pitch for 4 nights

We’ve got a fence directly in front of us, but we’re under a few trees and it looks like we’ll be in the shade for most of the day.

Temperatures are in the mid 30’s, so it’s good to be able to get into some shade.

After a quick swim we headed out on foot to the local supermarket. Quite small but fine for a bit of salad and some chicken to cook in the evening.

Here’s a view of the “beach” side of the campsite…

Camp Rozac Beach

And here it is from the beach itself…

View from Camp Rozac Beach

We then spent the afternoon reading and dipping into the sea. Oh and Sue gave me a hair cut… new clippers so it was a bit experimental!

There seem to be quite a lot of Brit’s on the site, I counted at least 20 motor homes. There’s a stretch of probably 14 motor homes that apparently come here every year. Haven’t spoken to them yet. But our neighbour is also a Brit, Sharon, (been living in Belgium for 30 years) and we had a long chat with her about how they come back here each year. They’ve got a quad bike that they use to get around on.

There’s loads of little lizards running around that seem to be after the ants, that’ll keep them, the ants, away from the food bins! We’ve seen lizards from a couple of inches up to probably 8 inches. I’ll try and get a picture of the lizards one day.

However, there’s also lots of little bitey bugs too. We’re going to run out of deet at this rate (about the only thing that seems to really work).

And to round the day off we went and explored the sunset and ferry times into Trogir for tomorrow…

Sunset from Camp Rozac

We’ll be taking bike rides and a boat taxi or two into Trogir, and maybe a bus/boat ride into Split over the next 3 days. But the weather is so hot that we might just chill and swim.

Harry’s just completed the second Tri-Wizard task.


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