Day 21 – Travel to Lake Bled






Well that didn’t turn out quite the way we expected. You’ve just gotta go with the flow sometimes.

Having adjusted our plans and torn down the van ready for a big downpour, it didn’t arrive. So we packed up anyway and headed out.

Leaving Winkl

We’d booked Winkl thinking we were booking 3 nights, were registered for 4 and then only stayed the 3. Obvs. reception wanted us to pay for the 4 nights, which we were fine with really, it was our fault. They knocked off the final day’s taxes (about €2) but that meant our 3 nights cost us €60 a night – youch! It was a good site, but at twice the normal rate and 4 times what we’d paid at some places, it was pricey.

Then for the next problem…

I’ve either come down with a bug or I’ve done too much and hit an ME PEM crash… or probably both. My va-va-voom has va-va-vamooshed. I was struggling to put one foot in front of the other.

So Sue picked up the driving today.

It was sort of bound to happen at some point. And I’d done well to get 3 weeks in and only have the odd not-stand-up.

We were originally going to head for a campsite near lake Bled, so we set off on the 230km or so and a big chunk of the 1000km we need to cover to get to our ferry in Dubrovnik on the 6th of Sept.

We’d only been going a few minutes before we hit Austria…

Austrian Border

It was then a large selection of jaw dropping mountainous scenery and very long tunnels (one was 7.5km) heading first past Salzburg and then south to Slovenia.

Lots of scenery
Many long tunnels

We then stopped for a coffee and loo break around 12. I was struggling.

View from motorway service station – Tebay eat your heart out!

We had our coffee and sat and rethought our plans… we decided that discretion was the better part of camping and opened up the app. We’re very fortunate that we can do this, but we selected one of the better reviewed apartments in the Lake Bled area and booked two nights.

Then on the road again to finish the remaining 100+ km.

As we entered Bled, it was obvious why the roads were chocka… this was a Sunday, in August, 30+C and the scenery was jaw dropping.

We found our apartment really quickly, and I then just crashed for 2 hours. When they hit me these crashes aren’t like any other tiredness, I don’t move. Not a muscle. I just don’t have the energy to uncross my legs as I lie on a bed. It’s not distressing, but you just gotta go with the flow and eventually I can move again.

Our digs in Bled for 2 nights

After some make-do tea (we thought we were booking somewhere with cooking facilities, but apparently not), we went out for a very slow wander.

We hit the lake at golden hour and just as everyone else seemed to be going home. The lake was just 5 mins from the apartment.

22 remaining Pletna boats

These Pletna boats are historical remnants of a time when they were used to ferry pilgrims across to the island. And of course they’re used to give rides to tourists now. But look at the views!

Pletna boat giving tourists a ride

We even discovered Bristol’s most famous artist, being famous in Slovenia too!

Banksy gets everywhere

I had a sit down for a while and Sue went for a yomp…

Lake Bled viewed from my “Not Stand Up”

Hopefully tomorrow will bring back some of my energy. Otherwise I’ll be relaxing with Harry, Ron and Hermione for company.


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