Day 13 – Quiet Ride to Bühl






We hadn’t got much planned today as we’d done a bit of exploring by bus yesterday and were planning to do one of the Black Forest key attractions, a water-fall, as we head out tomorrow.

So we decided to take a bike ride into Bühl, about 12km away.

We chose a fairly flat route still on the plane of the Rhine, so not much climbing with the bikes.

There’s not much to report, it was a leisurely meander into Búhl and a wander round the town with a couple of coffee stops and a quick whizz, round Lidl for some essentials.

Oh and we also bought the cheapest set of bike panniers I think it’s possible to buy. We’d discussed bringing the bulky panniers I’d bought about 30 years ago, on the trip, but decided against it. So we were sort of on the look out for something more light weight. But we bought the flimsiest set you could image for only €7 from Woolworth’s of all places! We’re not expecting them to hold up for very long but they’ll hopefully do us for this trip.

Now a few pictures of Bühl…

Bühl town hall- we think
It was market day
There’s always a river running through

On the way home we came across the self service shop that the campsite owners had told us about. Sue needed to explore, with her bike of course!

Sue checking out the self serve shop

Once we

Got back to the campsite, Sue had a wander down to the stream that runs through the site and I had a snooze! 😴 When it gets hot people just taketheir camping chairs down to the stream and sit in the middle of it… good idea!

Steam running through the campsite

It’s looks like it’s going to rain over night and so we’ll probably be packing up in the wet as we head off to Lake Constance for one night. Then off for some luxury for three nights in Munich as we’ve decided to book a room in a Best Western hotel. That will allow us a day to walk around Munich and for a trip out to Dachau for a day too.

Then off to Eagle’s Nest – hopefully!

Harry got the better of Quirrel and is now heading back to Hogwarts for his second year, in the Ford Anglia of course!


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