Day 2 – Northants to Ypres






Today has been a travel day.

We set off from Northamptonshire at about 10, Chunnel at 15:30 and set up camp by 18:30.

A pretty uneventful day, drizzling until we got past the bottom of the M11 but beautiful now here in Belgium as we sit with a beverage.

Thurrock services were the hole that I remembered, having taken the van for its first outing and sleeping at the services prior to a Caterham event a year ago.

And the Chunnel was as random as it always seems to be… booked on 14:45 train, bumped to 14:18 when we arrived but finally left at 15:45! Random!

Here’s some of todays’s photos! Not very interesting for others I’m afraid, more for our records these ones!

Even horses need passports
Always fun getting on the Chunnel
Crossing into Belgium
All set up at the first camp site T Hof Bellewaerde
Locals were pretty unimpressed by our arrival


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